Friday, 13 March 2009

2000 miles

The title reflects the number of miles I have driven in the last 2 weeks - and had to work each day on top. I'm bloody knackered!
A few choice photos below in a master class - I am thinking of entering these in this years BBC Wildlife Magazine wildlife photographer of the year competition. I think I'm a dead cert for all the categories.

Little Owl in Lady Lane, Croft. I'm putting this in the wildlife in action category!

Little Owl again (can you spot it?) - this time in the wildlife interacting with habitat category! Or should I put it in the area of outstanding natural beauty one?
This one is going in the rare species category. Or the how to bugger off very quickly when someone points a camera at you category!

One of seven male Corn Buntings singing in Holly Bush Lane this afternoon. This is going in the special effects and use of lighting category - my best one yet!
As you might be able to tell, too busy running round the country and not much in the way of birding.
At HGF this morning the Black-necked Grebes were still present and I could have easily predicted every other species seen before I set off. In fact I am on first name terms with them, their Albert and a few distant cousins.
At Moat Lane a Linnet was something new and 7 Corn Buntings (all males and all singing on the wires) were on Holly Bush Lane with 2 Yellowhammers. Two more CB's were in the usual spot in Culcheth on the way home plus the Little Owl in Lady Lane.
This morning a male Reed Bunting and 2 Grey Partridges visited the garden - the Song Thrush did a bunk 2 days ago. Best part of the day was watching 5 GP's this morning in Waterworks Lane. The 2 pairs were engaged in some scuffling and some serious fighting did break out between the males. Most of the time though they were chasing each other round the field like something out of a Benny Hill sketch - hilarious!

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