Wednesday, 1 July 2009

It's all yellow.....

Male Yellow Wagtail, Rixton Moss

Brimstone Moth, HGF

Skylark, HGF

Cuckoo, Rixton Moss
Yesterday started with the Jay back in the garden - nice to see it sticking around. A quick wander early morning to HGF produced a second Black-necked Grebe on the pool. A Cormorant and 2 Grey Wagtails (adult plus juvenile) at the pool with Coot and Tufted Duck numbers also increasing. The ploughed bit nr Midhops has been ploughed again and was devoid of birds today other than 5 Mistle Thrushes and a Heron.
At lunch I had a quick snoop around Rixton. A Buzzard flew over the large pool and was later seen on Holly Bush Lane being mobbed by Lapwings. The two Redshanks were still present on the pool at the base of the tip and a Yellow Wagtail flew over Woodend Lane. A flock of at least 40 Goldfinches was flitting up and down HBL - many of them juveniles. The tip was completely devois of any species of gull but over 300 corvids were scattered on the various mounds.
On the way home from work a Little Owl was perched in its usual tree off Lady Lane and at home a Coal Tit was on the feeders. The Starling flock at HGF this evening numbered around 500 birds. I spent a while this evening cleaning litter and bags of dog shit from around HGF - I filled two black bin bags and only got as far as the gate. While I was doing this a gang of teenagers took the piss - they later walked back along the path I had just cleared and scattered litter all over it. Scum! I have reported the issues around HGF to the council.
This morning and everything pretty much as was at HGF. A juvenile Black-headed Gull was the first here this year. The Heron in the field doesn't appear to have moved at all in the last 24 hours and the 5 Mistle Thrushes were also still there. On the way into work a Yellow Wagtail called from the peat mound on Holcroft Hall Lane - only one Corn Bunting on the wires though.
After work I had a quick trip around Rixton again. The two juvenile Great Crested Grebes are growing fast. On the next pool which is usually off limits (I will henceforth refer to it as Moat Lane pool 2) the family of Canada Geese are still present along with seven Tufties. Another eight Tufties flew over and a male Sparrowhawk carrying prey also appeared. Plenty of warblers singing tonight, mainly Whitethroats, Chiffchaffs and Willow Warblers. An adult Linnet was present with a youngster.
At the tip there was no sign of the Redshanks, however over 90 Lesser Black-backed Gulls were flying around. A large crane has been positioned on top of the main mound - a Buzzard and over 400 Starlings were perched on it. At the botto end of Holly Bush Lane a male Yellow Wagtail was perched in the top of the rape crop. I pulled alongside in the car and he just looked at me. At this point I cursed having left the 450D at home, however when I got out of the car, the Yellow Wag ignored me. I managed to set the scope up and get a few digiscope shots before he got bored and flew off!
5 Yellowhammers and 3 Corn Buntings were visible on the lanes along with a flock of 62 Goldfinches. On Woodend Lane two adult Cuckoos were perched on the telephone wires - at one point a Kestrel landed on the wires next to a Cuckoo - they both seemed to ignore each other. The Cuckoos hung around for a while before disappearing though they were distant after the initial sighting. Another three Linnets also appeared - when the numerous Swallows and House Martins are included these lanes seem to swarm with birds this evening.
Back at HGF late evening and the usual flock of 500+ Starlings was joined by a flock of 25+ House Sparrows - a bird I rarely see in numbers here. A Yellow Wagtail was also perched on the wires nr the kennels - the third location I have recorded this species at today.

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