Friday, 26 March 2010

Odds and sods

A few more photos from recent mooching around....

First winter / summer Yellow-legged Gull. Seen in the Wyre Estuary while I was at the ICI tank

Ring-necked Duck asleep on the ICI tank

Drake American Wigeon, Martin Mere

Pink-footed Geese, Martin Mere. Spot the WFG by its tail feathers!

Whooper having a bath!

Woodpigeon which distracted me as a Merlin flew past!

Handsome drake Wigeon



Half grown hedgehog sleeping off the peanuts!

Black-necked Grebe welcome back photo
HGF got a bit more interesting this morning. While scanning the pool three Sand Martins dropped down and then disappeared. I know from walking to one of the regulars that Sand Martins have been present for several days now - first ones I have seen. It took me a while to refind them as they kept flying up high and they soon left. In the ploughed field by Midhops I found a pair of Wheatears - my first this year. Always good to see them return.
Waterworks Lane produced 10 Stock Doves in the field behind our garden and a small flock of 10 or 12 Linnets in the field opposite the feeding station. Eight Yellowhammers and a Kestrel also there and five Pheasants in the next field. Usual stuff in the garden with a few Reed Bunts and Tree Sparrows plus a Coal Tit.
Had a quick drive around Rixton Moss early afternoon. 12 Fieldfares were in the ploughed field at the top of Holly Bush Lane while just past the farms, in the field to the left 19 Corn Buntings were perched up with six Yellowhammers. Three Kestrels and a Buzzard also around, however had to wait until I reached Prospect Lane for my target birds. Eight Wheatears were in the field near the farm here with possibly more, however it started chucking down and had a mini gale! I found two more on the opposite side of the road just past the tip. noticed the other week that there is some serious digging going on past the fishing pools - I wonder if this is landfill again or an extension of the angling facilities? Sod all on the tip, ditto on Moat Lane pool.

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