Monday, 4 July 2011

Stunning Yank Wader!


Adult, breeding-plumaged American Golden Plover at Skipool Creek

4th July

Yellow Wagtail at HGF again this morning – one flying out of the SE corner. Three juvenile Kestrels were on the barn roof – no sign of the fourth or their parents. As usual they has a congregation of Jackdaws who seem fascinated by the falcons but not quite brave enough to pester them too much.

A Common Sandpiper was present plus five Grey Herons, 21 Great Crested Grebes, 20 Coots, 17 Tufties and 3 Pochards. The now regular pair of Canada Geese look like they are in for a long stay. Visited again this evening, while walking through the south field a large covey of Grey Partridges, at least 40 birds, lifted up and flew over towards the kennels. This is the largest single covey I have seen though no doubt there are three or more families here.

I left work early to go and get my car back from the garage. While in a taxi driving along the A57 I spotted a female Marsh Harrier flying over the fields west of the Biffa plant. It appeared to be heading in the general direction of Woolsten Eyes.

Next I went up to Shard Bridge to twitch the American Golden Plover. This absolutely stunning male was showing well with five Golden Plovers. After watching it for a while I scanned the rest of the area, however the sun was shining directly into my eyes and I couldn’t pick out anything but silhouettes. Time quickly ran out and I had to go home.

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