Collared Doves "steaming" in the garden
Great Spotted Woodpecker and Tawny Owl at Moore
Leucistic Blackbird in the grounds of the site I work at in Birmingham
Interesting argentatus Herring Gull? at Moore - this bird has dark grey in the primaries instead of black (it had me dreaming of Glaucous-winged Gull!) and a first winter Yellow-legged Gull? which still has some juvenile plumage
Bottom photos are of argentatus Herring Gulls at HGF
11th February
Collared Doves "steaming" in the garden
Great Spotted Woodpecker and Tawny Owl at Moore
Leucistic Blackbird in the grounds of the site I work at in Birmingham
Interesting argentatus Herring Gull? at Moore - this bird has dark grey in the primaries instead of black (it had me dreaming of Glaucous-winged Gull!) and a first winter Yellow-legged Gull? which still has some juvenile plumage
Bottom photos are of argentatus Herring Gulls at HGF
11th February
At HGF this morning the pool was still largely frozen with just a small patch of free water. 87 Wigeon, 16 Coots and a single Pochard were crammed into this space. Otherwise the rest of the area was deserted. The garden was busy today. Around 150 Woodpigeons spent most of the day perched in the Ash trees and a few Collared Doves were hanging around. During a brief sunny spell when part of the lawn warmed up and began to steam, most of the Collared Doves plonked themselves down on the grass for a warm. I have seen them doing this before – always after rain or frost etc when the ground warms up and steams. Once, when Collared Doves were more populous around here, I found around 40 birds all lying on the lawn in this way.
A Yellowhammer and a Tree Sparrow were also feeding at the back of the garden today. Around 60 Tree Sparrows were seen at the feeding station along with five Yellowhammers, a Stock Dove and four pairs of Grey Partridges. Around 90 Lapwings were in a field further up the lane and around the corner in Highfield Lane were 500+ Woodpigeons.
I had a drive round Rixton later in the day, on my way into the office. Around 40 Fieldfares and 50+ Chaffinches were flitting around in the stubble field at the top of Holly Bush Lane while a flock of 120+ Linnets was in the field by the tip off Prospect Lane. There was not much on Moat Lane, however an investigation of a roving tit flock produced a Willow Tit.
Late afternoon I was passing near Moore and quickly nipped down to Birchwood Pool for a look see. No white-wingers but two interesting gulls were an adult presumed argentatus Herring Gull which has dark grey in its primaries as opposed to black and a small first winter gull which I initially thought was a LBBG but now looks to me like a Yellow-legged Gull but still with juvenile plumage in the scapulars? The Tawny Owl showed well in its usual roost.
12th February
I decided to have a relatively quiet Sunday morning so I took Bill and headed for Moore (again). When I arrived I spotted Jonathan just coming back into the car park after a wander round. I don’t think Jonathan had seen much and to be honest I didn’t have any particular expectations. I walked down Lapwing Lane and went to the tree stump where the Lesser Pecker is often seen but nothing doing. I then walked back down the track and stood for around half an hour just watching the wood. There were lots of birds moving around including Greater Peckers (five were eventually seen), Nuthatches etc and eventually I spotted a bird walking up the trunk of a tree. This turned out to be a male Lesser Pecker. I observed the bird for around 15 minutes as he flitted around the tops of the trees and then he flew off high over Lapwing pool. Around 40 Redwings were picked up elsewhere and the Tawny Owl again showed well.
Late morning I nipped back to HGF. The pool was still 80% frozen and 91 Wigeon (highest count this winter) and 3 Teal were among the birds crammed into the free water. 53 Lapwings were lined up at the edge. Best of all were the gulls scattered around the ice. No unusual stuff, however all five common species were represented and this was the largest gathering of the big gulls here this winter. 240+ Black-headed Gulls were joined by 140+ Herring Gulls (with quite a few argies), 12 Common Gulls, 22 Lesser Black-backs and 7 Great Black-backs.
At the feeding station this afternoon were 60+ Tree Sparrows, 5 Yellowhammers, a cock Pheasant, 9 Grey Partridges and 3 Linnets. 135 Lapwings were in the field further up the lane. 13th February A drake Shoveler was present on HGF this morning, otherwise relatively quiet. 25 Goldfinches were on the feeders in the garden today and 45+ Tree Sparrows were present at the feeding station when I briefly stopped on my way past.
On my way into work I noticed the Fieldfare flock in Rixton was once again in the field opposite the end of Chapel Lane – over 100 birds were present. A late afternoon walk with Bill down Barrow Lane produced a flock of 88 Golden Plovers in the field north of the lane. 160+ Lapwings were also there plus 2 Buzzards, 2 Skylarks and a handful of Grey Partridges.
14th February
Early morning at HGF and the pool is melting, resulting in the arrival back of some aythya ducks. 140 Lapwings and 3 Grey Herons were also noted. When heading down into Birmingham today I briefly stopped at Stubbers Green. No interesting gulls, however an interesting chat with Graham Evans (Chasewater site) and a flock of 50+ Lesser Redpolls.
15th February
This morning had a spring-like feel about it and this was reinforced by the singing of a male Skylark in the south field at HGF this morning. The other two larks present didn’t seem that impressed though. A pair of Goldeneyes were new in – otherwise quiet.
16th February
No birding today
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