This morning at HGF the Swifts were everywhere with at least 70 birds present. There were, however, hardly any hirundines. This evening there were 40+ Sand Martins with a few Swallows and House Martins - but no Swifts! I have come to the conclusion that they must do shifts with the Swifts being on 6-2! It has been very windy today (just for a change!) - I'm sure we get more frequent windy days in recent years.
A couple of Dunlins were present this morning - one largely in breeding plumage and the other with only a slight moult underway. When I tried to digiscope them, a Woodpigeon dive bombed them (don't ask me) and they flew off. The usual pair of Yellow Wagtails were on the west bank but no Black-necked Grebes today. The Corn Bunting was singing on the wires nr the farm and a Grey Partridge was asleep in the field nr Midhops. A Cormorant flew over this evening.
I had a very quick mooch around Rixton at lunch. 18 Wheatears were in the fields between Prospect and Woodend Lanes with a few being Greenland race birds. A Grey Partridge and a Corn Bunting were the only other birds of note. On Moat Lane by the large pool eight singing Whitethroats were heard or seen with 5 Willow Warblers, 2 Chiffchaffs and 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers. Sod all on the water.
On the way home this evening a Yellow Wagtail was flitting around the entrance to Franks Farm in Culcheth - a Corn Bunting was also present. In Winwick this evening a pair of Linnets were the only birds of note in Waterworks Lane - they were messing around the farm machinery which seems to be a favourite area for many birds. On Highfield Lane a Buzzard was perched on the pylon. It watched me set up my scope and get ready to digiscope it before scarpering as I was about to press the shutter. Damned inconsiderate - I am going to write a letter of complaint to my M.P.!
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