Friday, 8 May 2009

Birding shifts

Redshank, HGF

Dunlins, HGF
This morning at HGF the Swifts were everywhere with at least 70 birds present. There were, however, hardly any hirundines. This evening there were 40+ Sand Martins with a few Swallows and House Martins - but no Swifts! I have come to the conclusion that they must do shifts with the Swifts being on 6-2! It has been very windy today (just for a change!) - I'm sure we get more frequent windy days in recent years.
A couple of Dunlins were present this morning - one largely in breeding plumage and the other with only a slight moult underway. When I tried to digiscope them, a Woodpigeon dive bombed them (don't ask me) and they flew off. The usual pair of Yellow Wagtails were on the west bank but no Black-necked Grebes today. The Corn Bunting was singing on the wires nr the farm and a Grey Partridge was asleep in the field nr Midhops. A Cormorant flew over this evening.
I had a very quick mooch around Rixton at lunch. 18 Wheatears were in the fields between Prospect and Woodend Lanes with a few being Greenland race birds. A Grey Partridge and a Corn Bunting were the only other birds of note. On Moat Lane by the large pool eight singing Whitethroats were heard or seen with 5 Willow Warblers, 2 Chiffchaffs and 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers. Sod all on the water.
On the way home this evening a Yellow Wagtail was flitting around the entrance to Franks Farm in Culcheth - a Corn Bunting was also present. In Winwick this evening a pair of Linnets were the only birds of note in Waterworks Lane - they were messing around the farm machinery which seems to be a favourite area for many birds. On Highfield Lane a Buzzard was perched on the pylon. It watched me set up my scope and get ready to digiscope it before scarpering as I was about to press the shutter. Damned inconsiderate - I am going to write a letter of complaint to my M.P.!

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