Sunday, 17 May 2009

Where has all the sunshine gone?

Male Pied Flycatcher, MP, Lancashire

Common Scoters, Wigan Flashes

Deceased drake Mallard, HGF. Another bloody dog kill. Although the corvids had been busy, bite marks were still evident on this bird.
Saturday 16th:
HGF this morning and yesterdays Black-necked Grebe had gone. Three Yellow Wagtails were on the banking briefly before disappearing - again no opportunity to see if the Channel Wagtail was there. At least 120 Swallows were feeding over the water. I then had a quick trip to Wigan Flashes were 2 Black Terns were showing distantly. A Lesser Whitethroat was singing by the path leading to the bridge and 4 Common Scoters were on Scotsmans, found by Jimmy Meadows.
Sunday 17th:
Not as any Swifts and hirundines this evening. A pair of Yellow Wags were present and 2 Corn Buntings were on the wires nr Myddleton Farm. 4 Black-necked Grebes were in the middle today. This morning was spent in Lancashire - highlights being 4 Pied Flycatchers at MP (including a pair chasing off an intruding male) and a Garden Warbler. I also paid a brief visit to SR where 2 of the breeding Med Gulls were visible in the gull colony. In the garden two Woodpigeons have spent all weekend fighting off an intruding male. They have built a nest in a conifer near the Magpie nest - doomed to failure! A few juvenile House Sparrows are visiting the feeders and the sunflower hearts and fat balls are now getting hammered.
Monday 18th:
2 male Yellow Wags feeding together on the lawn at HGF this evening. Both were male flavissima birds. 2 Corn Buntings on the wires again and no sign of the BNG's.

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