Sunday, 7 June 2009

Quiet day

Not much to report today - couldn't be bothered to go anywhere even though I was a bit tempted by a Pectoral Sandpiper and a Temminck's Stint at Leighton Moss.
At HGF this morning the Pochards had decreased to seven. Two Little Grebes were on plus a pair of Grey Partridges on the "lawn". Otherwise not much moving. Late morning and I decided on a third trip in the last few weeks to Risley Moss - unfortunately the Hobbys decided they couldn't be bothered either. A couple of Buzzards was the best sighting. On the way home I popped into Silver Lane pools. On pool one were four Little Grebes and 21 Coots (including four juveniles and one bird incubating). On the second pool, at the far end of the narrow channel, was a male Kingfisher, perched on a stick protruding out of the water. A Jay and four Linnets flew over the tip, at least six Meadow Pipits were flying around the base of the tip and a number of warblers were singing - 4 Willow, 1 Whitethroat, 1 Sedge and 1 Blackcap.
In the garden the birds are continuing to hammer the food - in 48 hours they have gone through 3Kg of sunflower hearts, 5Kg of wild bird seed and 1Kg of peanuts. Juvenile Great Tit and Robin today plus 29 House Sparrows and 9 Long-tailed Tits. While I was driving back from Silver Lane, Karen was watching a bird on the path trying to eat Cornflowers. She photographed it through the kitchen window - it was a male Bullfinch!
This evening I went for a quick mooch around Newton lake. The Mute Swans appear to have failedin their breeding attempt again. Six Canada Geese and 10 Gadwalls were on the pool, a pair of Jays were loafing about on the church roof and a total of nine singing Song Thrushes was produced. Back to work tomorrow - not looking forward to it!

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