Thursday, 14 April 2011

Les Oiseaux en France


Yellow-legged Gull, Serin, Pied Flycatcher, White Wagtail, Nuthatch (continental version) in Limoux, France
Serin in the early dawn in Quillan, France
Black-necked Grebe at Houghton Green Flash

Monday 11th April

A very early start at HGF. The Mute Swan SYS and his mate have returned from a week of wandering around somewhere. Two pairs of Black-necked Grebes were present.

I spent most of the next week working in France. Very long days and visiting a few places not particularly renowned for birding plus taking the scope along was highly impractical. I did manage to take the bins though and did manage to see a few good birds.

Tuesday 12th April

I woke up early morning in a village called Quillan which is situated at the base of the foothills to the Pyrenees. Spectacular views of the mountains and lots of orchards and vineyards – beautiful countryside! Stood on the balcony I could see the small mountains opposite which were partially shrouded in mist. Two small finches started flitting around and calling in front of the hotel – a pair of Serins! Shortly after 2 Black Kites (Black Hawks they call them here) drifting up the mountainside. As the mist started to disappear quite a few raptors appeared up high – unfortunately all were distant and could not be identified without a scope. On the way into work a male Red-backed Shrike flew across the road.

In the evening I had relocated to a small city called Limoux (Languedoc) which was farther north. Limoux is famous in France for its wine and also has the longest running festival in the world! It finished last week – they must have been told I was coming!

I managed an hour or so walking by the river Aude. Lots of White Wagtails were flitting around including some I would have labelled as intergrades had I seen them in the UK. A single adult Yellow-legged Gull was fishing in the river – I also found a male Pied Flycatcher in some trees by a small playground. Lots of Nuthatches here with the pale underparts of this continental version plus various warblers. Very pleasant walk after a long day at work. I also had a quick wander by the railway line and found a male Serin singing in the top of a tree. It sounded to me a bit like a very harsh Corn Bunting!

Wednesday 13th April

Relocated to a small city in the NE of France called St Avold. I was working in nearby Valmont which is really nothing more than an industrial estate. We had set off at 4am to get here for a days work – I was slightly tired by the end of it. St Avold didn’t have much to offer for birding – I ended up walking up a steep hill to the cemetery after work where I found the usual woodland species and a pair of Serins.I remember seeing another Black Kite somewhere this morning (haven’t a clue where) and a Green Woody flying across the road.

Thursday 14th April

Had a pair of Serins at the railway station very early this morning! I very much enjoyed my visit to France though it was very tiring.

Arrived back from France late on and managed to nip to HGF with Bill at dusk. 5 Black-necked Grebes plus at least 50 Sand Martins and 3 Swallows around the place. A Corn Bunting was on one of its usual perched nearby.

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