Nightingale at Paxton Pits
16th April
This evening I was driving for work away again tomorrow so I
headed over to Paxton Pits for a couple of hours late evening. Although sunny,
the weather was bitterlky cold and windy and consequently the place seemed
subdued compared to previous visits at this time of year. I started wandering
up the Heron Trail where loads of Blackcaps and Willow Warblers were singing
but most either softly or sub-songs. I noticed a small bird grubbing around nr
the base of a bramble patch next to a couple of bushes and realised it was a
Nightingale! I watched this bird for around 20 minutes – it would grub around
in the open for literally seconds before flying back into cover and then repeat
the process a minute or so later.
There were lots of Grey Herons and Cormorants on nests – all
of the herons seemed to have young. Wandering further along the path there was
no sound at all from any Nightingales and, despite several peripheral glimpses
of my quarry, I only saw one further bird briefly dash across a clearing. I did
hear some Common Terns calling but couldn’t figure out where they were flying
round. A couple of Great Spotted Woodpeckers played kiss chase with a
Treecreeper near by and 3 yaffling Green Woodpeckers.
Walking back to the car I finally heard a Nightingale burst
into song – in the place I least expected it, the mound next to the car park. I
then twigged (dozy me) that the terns were probably on the sailing lake so I
walked around there. There is a Black-headed Gulls colony on the islands here
and around 400 birds were in residence – I trawled through them looking for a
Med without success but did find 4 Common Terns.
Next I headed over to Diddington again. By now the weather
was threatening rain, it was much colder and very gloomy. There were few large
gulls around though 14 more Common Terns were flying around Diddington Pit and
I also heard another 3 yaffling Green Woodies. In a field by the car park were
a pair of Red-legged Partridges and a couple of Brown Hares. I had thought
about staying for owls but the weather got the better of me and I retreated
back to my hotel.
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