Monday, 14 May 2012

The heron family stars in Somerset


Squacco Heron, Blagdon Lake
Great White Egrets, Shapwick Heath

14th May 

I am working away tomorrow and landed in Somerset early evening. I wanted to see the Squacco Heron at Blagdon Lake, however this requires a permit from Chew Valley Lake so I headed there first. Having acquired the important piece of paper I drove past Heron’s Green Pool where the faithful Barn Owl was flying around and eventually found my way to Blagdon. The Squacco Heron was wandering around in the undergrowth and was being watched by two other birders who put me onto it. I would have completely missed it otherwise. I watched the heron for a bit and had a natter with Lee Evans who also turned up (apparently he has the UK’s last example of this species in his freezer?) and then headed off to another location somewhere in deepest, darkest Somerset. I was considering keeping this quiet, however Natural England have publicised this anyway. 

I arrived at Shapwick Heath and began a walk up towards Noah’s Hide. It was extremely windy by now and all the birds had gone quiet. Except of course for the one bird that never seems to shut up whatever the weather or time of year – Cetti’s Warbler. Anyway I heard a few of these and then strolling further along came across a Great White Egret in breeding plumage – lots of plumes and dark bill. Yes – these birds are breeding here – see this link: 

I watched this cracking bird for a bit and then continued on, eventually seeing 2 Marsh Harriers. 

At the hide there was sod all – nothing moving and a seemingly endless blast of wind. I decided to head past the hide further up the track and eventually spotted my target bird – a Hobby. It was the only one I saw and then only briefly. On a still day I could expect to see a few dozen here at this time of year. 

I headed back when first a Cuckoo called, second a Bittern boomed, third a couple of Bitterns flew over my head making noises like strangled sea birds and fourth a second Great White Egret appeared. Oh and then a Garden Warbler started singing. All in all a better end to a very good day!

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