Friday, 11 May 2012

Local Whinchats top the charts


Whinchats, Waterworks Lane, Winwick
Skylark, Buzzard and Yellow Wagtail, Rixton mosses
Yellowhammer, Astley Moss

8th May 

After a night of heavy rain an early morning visit to HGF produced little other than a Yellow Wagtail in the south field. 

Late morning I wandered over to Astley Moss and had a mooch around the SSSI. Best bit were 3 Lesser Redpolls including a stunning pink-flushed cock bird. Lots of warblers and buntings plus a pair of Jays and three Buzzards. No hoped for Hobby. 

This afternoon Karen decided we were heading north and having a flying visit to the van. We diverted there via Morecambe where a single Bar-tailed Godwit and 2 Whimbrel were spotted on the mud nr Bare and then onto Warton Cragg. Both Peregrines were in residence with the tiercel pointedly ignoring the plaintive calls from his mate. Apparently he has been better at driving the Ravens away this year and the latter were present too with their five fully fledged young. 

9th May 

A Corn Bunting was singing on the wires nr Midhops at HGF this morning – otherwise it was quiet. 

At Rixton both Common Terns are back and a Little Ringed Plover was present on Moat Lane pools. On the mosses, a recently ploughed field on Holly Bush Lane held 7 Yellow Wagtails (2 pairs and 3 single males) and two more were picked up further down the lane. 6 Wheatears also present. 

10th May 

Very little today. Terns still present at Rixton and in stark contrast to yesterday there was just a single Wheatear to show for a trawl round the mosses. 

11th May 

Early morning I had a quick look at the feeding station and noticed a small brown job perched up in the rape. Initially I thought this looks interesting, however when it flew into the hedge where the Tree Sparrows perched I nearly wrote it off as probably one. Fortunately it then reappeared in the rape field with another bird and getting the scope on them I realised they were 2 female Whinchats. Cracking record for here – it also got better when David Bowman found three males nearby this evening. 

A Common Sandpiper was the sole result of a brief trip to HGF. 

This evening I took Bill for a walk down Barrow Lane. Singles of Yellow Wagtail and Tree Sparrow plus 2 Corn Buntings were the best birds seen. Locally an Oystercatcher is currently incubating.

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