Herring Gull, Southstack. This bird clearly didn't like the wind - it sat in the car park and refused to budge causing cars to drive around it!
I've been working in Bangor for a few days so not much to report locally. On Tuesday I managed to get some birding in over nr Anglesey. First was a brief pit stop at Llanfairfechan in the morning. The highlight were two stonking Slavonian Grebes in full breeding plumage and quite close in. Only one Red-throated Diver present plus Sandwich Terns, Gannets, Razorbills, Eiders, Red-breasted Mergansers and a single Fulmar.
After work I nipped up to Southstack where the wind levels had reached force 8. It was difficult to stand up and the wind gradually increased to force 10 that evening - it howled outside my room in the Travel Lodge! Anyway at Southstack approx 55 Kittiwakes were on the water with three Fulmars and large numbers of gulls. A pair of Puffins had arrived back last Saturday - I eventually picked them out on the water past the lighthouse. Best sighting was two Manx Shearwaters flying close in past Ellins Tower - the first reported there this year. A Porpoise followed soon after. A single Black Guillemot and a Shag were present in Holyhead Breakwater.
Back home a male Blackcap was in the garden this morning. This evening a male Reed Bunting and a singing Song Thrush were also present, three pairs of Grey Partridges and 3 Yellowhammers in Waterworks/Highfield Lanes.
At HGF this evening 8 Black-necked Grebes were present with 14 Great Crested Grebes. A single drake Wigeon is left with 4 birds disappearing overnight!
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